Tuesday, May 23, 2006

McLaren On Your Computer

The folks at Trinity Church in NYC asked us to pass along an upcoming webcast. On Thursday (the 25th) they will have a discussion which will include Brian McLaren, Alan Jones and Diana Butler Bass.

Other than what the website says, I really don't know much about it.

Now, if only they would webcast their Picnic and Hip-Hop Mass!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Brian McLaren Info

Details are still being worked out for Brian McLaren's visit. Time and other info will be passed along soon.

It is open to everyone. Please come and bring someone!

From his book, A New Kind of Christian,

I would say to stop counting conversions, because our whole approach to conversions is so, I don't know, mechanistic and consumeristic and individualistic and controlling. Instead, I'd encourage us to count conversations, because conversation implies a real relationship, and if we make our goal to establish relationships and engage in authentic conversations, I know that conversions will happen. But if we keep trying to convert people, we'll simply drive them away. They're sick of our sales pitches and our formulas.

Does anyone else's church have a running total of baptisms/new members for the year?

Monday, May 15, 2006


If you are one who drops by here from time to time and would like to join the conversation, this is an open invitation. If you want to originate a post, then send me an email (me@bartroberts.com) and we will add you to the list.

You can post as often or little as you would like. You don't have to be an expert in anything.

Don't forget, Brian McLaren - June 2nd.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!

Faith is not an easy thing.

Yeah, I know folks who seem to never have any problems in the area of faith. For them it is easy to say, "God said it, I believe it, and that settles that."

Not me.

I mean, I believe but I don't. Recently, it has been hard to believe.

Mark 9:14-29 is troubling and soothing at the same time. A father brings his son to Jesus for healing. The boy has an evil spirit in him. The spirit causes the boy to have what sounds like an epileptic having seizures. Except added to that the boy cannot speak because of the spirit. The disciples have already tried to drive it out but are not successful.

So the father tells Jesus, "..if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us."

Jesus says, "Everything is possible for him who believes."

The father responds, "I do believe: help me overcome my unbelief!"

Jesus then drives the spirit out.

The story is soothing to me because at my core I believe. Deep down there, wherever that is, I believe in God. But sometimes, many times, I don't. Something gets a hold of me and that certainty slips from me.

And that doubt, it usually starts so small I barely notice it. Before long it has snowballed into something big.

The story troubles me because of the evil spirit thing. I mean, does anyone else have a hard time believing in evil spirits? No? Just me?

I know some commentators say yes, it really was an evil spirit. Others say no, that was their limited understanding of epilepsy. And why couldn't the disciples make a dent? I don't know.

I read it. I believe it. I just need help with my unbelief.

I think faith, by definition, can never be 100%. I can never have total faith in God and this story without some doubt. It requires belief and unbelief at the same time. I don't really like that. I want to know it and prove it and check it off my list.

So what is the answer?

The end of that story has Jesus explaining why the disciples weren't effective.

Jesus tells them, "This kind can come out only by prayer."

My cynical nature responds with, "Yeah, right!" But then I think, what if there is something to that? Is that where the real power is? Can prayer do anything? Can it drive out my evil spirit of unbelief?

I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!