Saturday, September 24, 2005

From Pearland, With Love

Maybe it was cabin fever or just sick of beanie -weenies, but we decided to head out in search of fast-food. It was dead out there. Just like Christmas, except all the Chinese places were closed.

We turned up 35 and couldn't believe when we saw folks at the Wal-Mart Supercenter gas station. The new Supercenter opened just two days before folks started leaving to escape Rita.

On TV today I kept seeing reports from the few stations that were open, but had lines for miles. This line looked really short, maybe a dozen cars.

We got in line and only waited 15 minutes. Can you imagine? I was excited to only wait 15 minutes to get gas. It was the only time in the last few months I didn't care what it cost.

Which was actually cool. They only had the supreme grade but charged us the same as the lowest grade...$2.65.

They said they thought they would be out within the hour and weren't sure when they would get more.

So we set out to fill 'our' tanks. We drove a bit and saw another line of cars but this wasn't for gas. It was for Sarpino's. They have great pizza and a drive thru which they had open. So we got in that line. It is like Russia. You see a line and you go get in it.

The pizza line took much longer. Oh, but it was worth it. I don't think I would have waited an hour for gas, but for pizza, no problem. I have my priorities.


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