Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Proposition 2 - What's Your Sign?

Today is election day. There are several State propositions that are up for vote. One I can't get away from, however, is Prop 2, the Texas Marriage amendment.

I've had nearly a dozen recorded voice messages today urging me to 'return morals to this great state' and vote for Prop 2. Of course, same sex marriages in Texas were made illegal in 2003, but for some that isn't enough. More had to be done. At least, that is the argument. I guess the concern is Democrats might get back in control and loosen the rules or a judge might 'legislate' or some other 'back door' possibility could send us down that road.

Some have argued that the language is a bit vague and could cause problems with common-law marriages of heterosexuals, but most 'experts' seem to dismiss it as unlikely.

I have no doubt that this will pass overwhelmingly. They probably don't even have to count the votes.

One thing that I find interesting is how churches are reacting to this. Driving around Houston, it doesn't take long to see a reminder of the 'right' thing to do. Church signs urging everyone what needs to be done.

I think they should be more direct. They should just say what they really mean...if you are gay don't think of coming to this church. Whether it is you, someone in your family or just a friend...don't come or bring them either. We don't want you and we don't approve. We know it is already illegal here in Texas, but we want to spit on you some more and make sure you know we really think you are going to hell. Don't worry about all the other stuff...porn addiction, adultery, stealing, lying, we're okay with that. You can even say a closing prayer.

I'm not here trying to tell you that homosexuality is not a sin and I'm not here trying to tell you that it is a sin.

I'm saying, same sex marriage is already against the law in Texas.

I have friends who have committed adultery. I hesitated to even write that because I don't want to imply when I think of them that is how I identify them. I don't. I love them. I don't stand from the mountain top waving a flag saying adultery should be against the law and I whole heartedly support any law that would make it illegal. You may say adultery and homosexuality are two very different things. I say, if you see both as sin then they are both sin.

This is not a political blog. I'm not telling you how to vote. I don't care. But I am trying to remind you (and myself) how to love.


Blogger Michael said...

There are few angles on this topic I want to chew on a bit.

1. If a Christian truly follows Christ and commits their lives to being like him, then they will love all people and hate all sin. We shouldn't treat one sin as if it is unrelated to all other sin and the spiritula warfare we are daily engaged in.

2. Whether or not the city, state, or federal government say something is legal, should not change our reslove about what God calls us to. Remember He calls us to compassion and justice. We follow God, then country!

3. Every Christian is encouraged to use their gifts and skill sets to influence others for Christ and to give God glory. Therfore, it would seem appropriate for those that are Christians in government to write such a bill, not to hate on people, but to uphold their view of God's calling in marriage.

4. We may need the government to lay down laws that oppose our Christian values so that we will tire of being complacent and rise up for God and His Kingdom.

5. God and sin do not co-exist. God is love! Therefore it seems conceivable that Love could not coexist with sin. Hopefully that's not too far a stretch and means that Love and compassion would be sin's biggest enemy and conqueror.

6. Jesus spent time with the sinners and tax collectors. Some were repentant (Zaccheus)and others walked away sad. Our job is to spend time with the tax collectors and sinners of today. While we spend time with them we walk humbly and faithfully with our Lord. Then their repentance is between them and the Holy Spirit and we function as encouragers to faith, not the judge of their sin.

7. In ALL things Grace must abound!

Thanks for the thought today. I too, have been hearing much about this proposition. Then again, I am sure, like me, you hear of all kinds of sin daily. We live on a battleground where the war has already been won! Who will join the victor, Jesus Christ?

11:29 AM, November 08, 2005  
Blogger Scott Lybrand said...


Great post. Unfortunately, proposition 2 probably will pass. Fortunately, that won't stop the slow march of progress. Eventually, gay marriages will be recognized in the state of Texas and we will look back on these days as a brief, though painful, transition period.

You are right, though. "Defending marriage" and "doing the right thing" have become code words in the build up to the election. What are they really saying? Something like this:

"You are bad and twisted in a way that we straight people are not. You do not deserve our blessing. You don't even deserve legal protection. You should hide, you should go away, you should change. Now."

But we won't. To quote a much-used slogan from the gay rights movement: we're here, we're queer, get used to it.

11:59 AM, November 08, 2005  
Blogger Bart said...


"God and sin do not co-exist."

I'm not sure what you mean by co-exist. (I have a limited amount of understanding, so bear with me!) Tell me more what you think about that.


You are always welcome here.

9:09 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger judi ~ said...

Sin is sin. You are correct that there should not be discrimination regarding what type of sin, what level of severity. It's all for God to judge, and He will. Who are we to think we can tell other consenting adults who or how to love?

3:22 PM, November 18, 2005  

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