Monday, July 10, 2006

Is Christ Divided?

Call emergent what you want, and it does have its' share of critics, (including myself sometimes) but I haven't seen anything else out there that bring folks from so many different denominations together.

Whether you are Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, or on and on, that is not what is important to those of us in the conversation. Yeah, we each have our own thing that we are hung up on. We all have our preferences. So what?

I love to give MY translation of the bible and different verses in it. (Remember, you get what you pay for.)

1 Corinthians 1:11-13

My brothers, some from Chloe's household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow the Baptist"; another, "I follow Methodist"; another, "I follow Presbyterian"; still another, "I follow Christ."

Is Christ divided? Were the Baptist crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of Lutheranism?

Of course, that's not how it goes. Yes, I know that isn't exactly what Paul meant. Here is the real one. Can I stretch it to that? I just did.

I hate to admit, but growing up, I bought into the idea that "everyone else is going to hell" except us. I confess my ignorance.

We have so much to learn from each other. Emergent is the classroom that brings us together. (Yes, Christ is the main reason, but we were all for Christ before and not doing much talking to each other until now.)

Don't buy into Emergent for the sake of buying into something.

Embrace it because it helps us to embrace each other and Christ at the same time.


Blogger Jessica said...

I liked this post, Bart. The questions, thoughts and observations you raise are worth our consideration. A self-proclaimed denominational mutt, I appreciate the conversation that emergent is as it reflects a journey that God has led me on that has intercepted with a wider variety of groups within the church. Each of the groups I have been a part of have helped me to grow and develop a deeper understanding of the community found in Christ, even if some did so more than others. I was also challenged through this on my earlier "everyone else is going to hell" education to understand that many of our differences are over "gray" areas and though God's Word certainly presents (IMO) some non-negotiables, everyone can't be right but does that mean everyone else has to be wrong? God is doing His work in an ecumenical context and outside of our individual understanding of Scripture and doctrine, we don't need to build walls any more than already exist. We also don't have to agree on everything. A humble attitude goes so much further in sharing the gospel than all the red-faced fire breathing ever will.

There are other areas still and some even within Emergent, though not denominational as much as practical. Names and groups are less defined and it's more about position, particularly regarding women in ministry and homosexuality. These areas have the potential to create just as much division as being Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or Methodist. A humble and loving attitude even in the face of such hot button issues will be vital for the conversation continuing in a healthy manner.

Thanks for this. BTW, how do we find out about the next cohort gathering?

4:27 PM, July 10, 2006  
Blogger Bart said...

I'm not sure when the next gathering will be. As soon as I find out I will pass it along.

You guys are doing such a great job with Xnihilio at Taft.

Thanks for dropping by.

8:27 PM, July 12, 2006  
Blogger Jessica said...

Thanks Bart, I look forward to hearing about the next meeting. Thank you too for the encouraging words about Xnihilo, we're getting ready for another great season to start this fall with a show that commemorates the 1st Anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Hope you can make it.

10:57 PM, July 12, 2006  

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